
Thurles Rotary Club – Events St. Stephen’s Day 2015

Are you wondering what to do with yourself on this upcoming St Stephens day 2015 in Thurles? Well to use that well known Christmas biblical phrase from St. Luke 2:10-11 “Fear not: for, behold, we bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”


Picture shows: L-R – Sean Spain (Former President Thurles Rotary), James Doran, Sean Doran, Dillon Skehan, Nicola Skehan, Michael Wright (Thurles Rotary President) and John O’Shaughnessy (Thurles Chamber President), at the launch in the Anner Hotel, Thurles today, of the 2nd Annual Rotary Challenge.

Thurles Rotary Club, latter originally founded in 1988, have again this year put together an organising team to work on a special Christmas project, thus assisting three worthy local charity organisations with future funding.

President of Thurles Rotary Club, Mr Michael Wright has confirmed that the club will now endeavour to lend a helping-hand to: ‘The Sean Doran Thurles Fund’, ‘Thurles Guide Dogs for the Blind’ and ‘Mo Chara Animal Rescue’.

“In these difficult times, funding for the above named organisations are particularly low”, stated Mr Wright, “Thurles Rotary Club are now determined to support same from the funding raised at this years Rotary Christmas Challenge (detailed hereunder), taking place on St Stephen’s day 2015 at the Thurles Crokes AC Club House at Nenagh Road, Thurles.”

Run – Walk – Cycle and above all  Support Thurles Rotary Christmas Challenge

December 26th 2015 will now see three events taking place at the Thurles Crokes AC Club House, Racecourse (Nenagh) Road, Thurles and which are highlighted as follows:-

NOTE FIRST: Registration for the following events will begin sharp at 10.00 am.

(1) Starting at 11.00am:- A 55k Cycle Event.
(2) Starting at 11.30am:- A 6k Walk.
(3) Starting at 11.30am:- A 6k Fun Run.

Prizes will include:-  €70.00 for 1st Men & Women; €40.00 for 2nd Men & Women and €25.00 for 3rd Men & Women. Please note also that Thurles Crokes AC have kindly offered their facilities to assist those taking part to; Park Vehicles, Change Clothing and Take a Shower.

After this event a separate Prize Draw will take place in the Clubhouse, where entertainment will also be provided for a period of time.
Note: Thurles Knights of Malta and Thurles Gardaí are also assisting, where needed, at all four events, in the interests of Health & Safety.

Please if at all possible, do attend and support this event. Entry to Fun Run/Walk costs €10.00, with Cycles costing €20.00 or whatever donation you can afford to give. Cheques can be made payable to Thurles Rotary Local Charities.


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