
Hospice Fund Raiser Convicted Of Drug Possession

Cannabis SativaMr William Gleeson, with an address at Lisdoon Cottage, Ballycraggan, Puckane, Co Tipperary, was given a five-month suspended jail sentence at Nenagh District Court yesterday on drug charges.

Mr Gleeson, aged 27 years, was charged with seven counts under the Drugs Trafficking Act, including possession of cannabis, possession of the drug cannabis for sale or supply, together with possession of drug associated paraphernalia including a weighing scales.

Mr Gleeson pleaded guilty to possession of an estimated €900 worth of cannabis, latter discovered by Gardai during the search of a bedroom at his address at Ballycraggan, Puckane, Nenagh, on March 3rd 2015 last. He also pleaded guilty to possession of €230 worth of cannabis for sale or supply, following the search of a car in Nenagh Co. Tipperary on June 26th, 2014. Latter search made by Gardaí who also located a weighing scales during this search.

Mr Gleeson, together with two friends recently announced plans to drive 13,000km to Beijing in China for a friend’s wedding while also raising funds for a children’s hospice and claim they had already secured €3,500.

Judge Elizabeth McGrath fined Mr Gleeson €900 and granted liberty to re enter the suspended sentence should he be found to re-offend over the next two years.


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