The local community website Thurles.Info, since its conception just forty months ago, has now been visited by over half a million viewers. To be more accurate the site, as I write this blog, has been host to a total of 511,567 viewers to date.
A big thank you to all who Visited, Contributed and Commented on this site over the past forty months.
From the Statistics Graph shown above, you can see that for the months of January and February of 2012, there were a total of 55,737 visitors attracted to this site, which endeavours to provide a community news and information portal for the people of Thurles and the County of Tipperary.
While the majority of our readership, which presently varies in number from 600 to 1200 each day, comes from Ireland and the British Isles, we also get many daily readers from Canada, Australia, USA, Africa, Brazil, Poland, Turkey, Iran, China, Russia and the Scandinavian Countries.
What are the benefits of having a local Community Website?
The benefits of a Community Website are immense, especially to a small rural town like Thurles, when used correctly.
Thurles.Info allows small businesses, who use it, to publicise their services and products to potential customers, without the high costs of building, hosting and administering their own personal websites. Your business can be advertised and publicised on the internet 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, giving your business an extra outlet for making sales. Smaller businesses can look bigger and now the small player can compete on the same playing field as the “big guy.”
Community Web sites like Thurles.Info make it easier for customers, global or local, to find our town, do business directly with us, and allows us to compete with other larger companies operating in our market area.
By using Thurles.Info, you can save your business a lot of money in daily communication and administration costs, as well as increasing your sales through advertising campaigns, thus creating awareness of your brand. By using Thurles.Info correctly it also provides you with a website link address to place on your Business Card, thus enhancing your business image to any prospective customers.
Do remember that 68% of your businesses potential customers, these days, go online to research their required products and services, in their local area. Let’s face it, the Internet is more convenient and is faster than using a phone book, a printed local directory or yellow pages and your business can be contacted even when you are closed, during non business hours.
Apart from the business aspect of a Community Website, of course there are also social benefits. It gives its readers a chance to check out local news, publically discuss proposed changes which may affect their everyday lives in this area and for you, our readers, to also quickly express your personal views by having them aired in a public arena.
Keep in mind that Thurles.Info does not run on fresh air, so do note of our badly neglected “Donation Box,” (Positioned top right of our home page.) and any contribution made towards our running costs will insure Thurles.Info keeps Thurles speedidly accessable and in full view of the rest of the world.
If you have any ideas on how we can be of better service to Thurles and Co. Tipperary, do please let us know.
Once again we thank all .5 million of you for your valued support and remember “we are on our own,” so let’s network.
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