
FSAI Recall Batches Of Hogans Farm Turkey Burgers.

Recall of specific batches of Hogans Farm Turkey Burgers due to missing or incorrect ingredients listed.

Alert Summary dated Thursday, March 20th 2025.

Alert Notification: 2025.15.
Product Identification: Please see table below.
Batch Code: Please see table below.
Country Of Origin: Ireland

Product name.Pack size.Use by dates.
Hogan’s Farm Turkey Burgers.400g25.03.2025, 26.03.2025 and 28.03.2025.
Hogan’s Farm Turkey Burgers with a Spicy Buffalo Glaze.420g25.03.2025, 26.03.2025 and 28.03.2025.
Hogan’s Farm Turkey Burgers with an Asian BBQ Glaze.260g25.03.2025, 26.03.2025 and 27.03.2025.

Message: The above batches of Hogan’s Farm Turkey Burgers and Hogan’s Farm Turkey Burgers with a Spicy Buffalo Glaze are being recalled due to the absence of an ingredients list on the labels.
In addition, the below batches of Hogan’s Farm Turkey Burgers with an Asian BBQ Glaze are being recalled as an incorrect version of the ingredients list is on the label. Recall notices will be displayed at point-of-sale.

Please also refer to FSAI food allergen alert 2025.A10.

Action Required: Manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, caterers and retailers.

Retailers are requested to remove the implicated batches from sale and display recall notices at point-of-sale.
Wholesalers/distributors are requested to contact their affected customers and recall the implicated batches and provide a point-of-sale recall notice to their retail customers.

Consumers: Sulphur dioxide is an ingredient in the above batches of Hogan’s Farm Turkey Burgers. Sulphur dioxide is not declared on the implicated batches of Hogan’s Farm Turkey Burgers and Hogan’s Farm Turkey Burgers with a Spicy Buffalo Glaze. In addition, sulphur dioxide is incorrectly declared on the list of ingredients on the affected batches of Hogan’s Farm Turkey Burgers with an Asian BBQ Glaze.
This may make these batches unsafe for consumers who are allergic to or intolerant of sulphur dioxide, and therefore, these consumers should not eat the implicated batches.


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