An large crowd once again put in an appearance at this years Thurles St Patrick’s Day parade, held yesterday afternoon, Monday March 17th. Despite the overcast sky and low temperatures, few locals were deterred from attending to view the event, as it passed through the town centre.
Amongst those in attendance were people from the Republic of the Philippines, Czech Republic, Ukraine, England, Brazil, South Africa, China, Poland, Italy and Sweden, who joined the very large number of local residents.
Onlookers packed Thurles streets, from Friar Street west, through the town centre and unto Barry’s Bridge; same extremely impressed by the colours of floats; the marching groups representing numerous clubs and societies; the bands and in particular the individual stilt walkers from Cloughjordan, North Tipperary who took part for the first time.
A huge “Thank You” to the work undertaken by Mr John Kenehan and his committee, and to the many individuals in reflective jackets and the Gardaí, who ensured the health and safety of the public in attendance and controlled the traffic.
Thank you for the beautiful video. I went to see St. Patrick’s Day for the first time and the atmosphere was very nice.
I just want to join other visitors from other countries. I am from the Czech Republic.
Thanks again for a very pleasant experiences.
Welcome to Thurles Ms Jahodová. Hope you are enjoying your time with us.