
Death Of Tom Gleeson, Formerly Of Templemore, Co. Tipperary.

It was with great sadness that we learned of the death, on Sunday 9th February 2025, of Mr Tom Gleeson, Keswick, Cumbria, Northwest England’s Lake District, UK and formerly of Templemore, Co. Tipperary.

The passing of Mr Gleeson is most deeply regretted, sadly missed and lovingly remembered by his sorrowing family; brothers Murt and Paddy, sister Peggy and brothers Charlie and Joe, nieces Amanda, Tara and Denise, nephews David, Kevin and Cathal, grandnieces Erin and Lily, sisters-in-law Bridie and Geraldine, friend Kirsten (Fred), extended relatives neighbours and many friends.

Requiescat in Pace.

Funeral Arrangements.

The earthly remains of Mr Gleeson will be received into the Church of Our Lady of the Lakes and St Charles, High Hill, Keswick, Cumbria to repose for Requiem Mass on Friday 28th February at 11:00am, followed by cremation at Eden Valley Crematorium Temple Sowerby, Penrith, United Kingdom, (CA10 2AN), at 12:30pm.

Note Please: A memorial Mass for Mr Gleeson will be held in Templemore Co. Tipperary, at a later date.
Donations, if desired, to the British Heart Foundation or Irish Heart Foundation.

The extended Gleeson family wish to express their appreciation for your understanding at this difficult time, and have made arrangements for those persons wishing to send messages of condolence, to use the link shown HERE.


1 comment to Death Of Tom Gleeson, Formerly Of Templemore, Co. Tipperary.

  • Tracey Courtney

    A genuinely beautiful kind gentleman who brought joy to so many people.

    May the road rise to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back
    May the sun shine Warm upon your face.
    May the rain fall soft upon your fields And until we meet again, May God hold you In the palm of His hand.

    Dia leat Tom

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