
New Hate Crime Legislation Comes Into Force.

  • Criminal Justice (Hate Offences) Act 2024 increases prison sentences for certain crimes motivated by hatred.
  • Law will protect people targeted because of certain characteristics including race, colour, sexual orientation, gender, and disability.

An order has been signed, which will come into force today (Tuesday 31 December), under the Criminal Justice (Hate Offences) Act 2024, which increases prison sentences for certain crimes motivated by hatred.

This new legislation provides for crimes, which are proven to be motivated by hatred, or where hatred is fully demonstrated. For example, the legislation ensures that assault aggravated by hatred, or damage to property aggravated by hatred, will attract higher prison sentences. Where hatred is not proven, a person can still be charged with assault or damage to property.

This legislation will protect people targeted because of certain identity characteristics namely – race; colour; nationality; religion; national or ethnic origin; descent; disability; gender; sex characteristics and sexual orientation. The Act creates new, aggravated forms of certain existing offences – i.e. hate crimes – where they are aggravated by hatred of one or more of these protected characteristics.

Ireland has faced criticism from the Council of Europe and other International Human Rights bodies, which had, until now, highlighted that there was no specific or statutory provision for hate-aggravated offences in Ireland.

Incitement to hatred and hate speech are criminalised separately under the Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act 1989, which continues to remain in force.


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