
Legislation To Streamline, Strengthen & Modernise Gambling Regulation.

  • Legislation will Establish the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland.
  • Introduce a modern and robust licencing and regulatory framework for both in-person and online gambling.
  • Establish a National Gambling Exclusion Register.
  • Introduce tight restrictions on gambling advertising.
  • Introduce a Social Impact Fund to support educational measures and problem gambling treatment activities.
  • CEO Designate of the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland has been progressing important preparatory work.

The Gambling Regulation Bill, 2022, has passed through both Houses of the Oireachtas. The legislation sets out the framework and legislative basis for the establishment of a new, independent statutory body, Údarás Rialála Cearrbhachais na hÉireann, (the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland) and for a modern and robust licencing and regulatory framework for both in-person and online gambling.

Painting by Italian artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610), “The Cardsharps.” (painted c.1594).

The Bill provides for the establishment and operation of the National Gambling Exclusion Register and introduces tight restrictions on the advertisement of gambling activities.
It also provides for the creation of a Social Impact Fund to support awareness–raising and educational measures and to support problem gambling treatment activities.

With regard to black market operators, the Bill contains a suite of measures to address illegal or criminal gambling activity and includes explicit prohibitions on illegal activity or practices, some of which could result in significant custodial sentences.

Once the Bill is enacted, the GRAI will be established with a seven-person authority. A Programme Board has been established in the Department of Justice to ensure that the legislation and the operational preparations are progressed in parallel, allowing the Authority to commence operations, on a phased basis, as soon as possible, after enactment and appointment of the Authority members.
Ms Anne Marie Caulfield has been appointed to the role of CEO Designate of the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland and has been progressing important preparatory work.

As part of Budget 2025 announced on October 1st last, the GRAI will receive €9.1m in 2025, including €4m of ICT capital investment.


1 comment to Legislation To Streamline, Strengthen & Modernise Gambling Regulation.

  • Dennis

    “Some say that gambling’s a sin,
    But I bet you 15-1
    That gambling has been in this world
    Since horses and greyhounds could run

    Now if it was illegal then the lawyers they would sue
    And the prisons would be full of folk that had a bet or two
    And if they didn’t like it, then away the girls would run
    And if it wasn’t plenty then the poor folk would get none”

    The Dubliners Seven Deadly Sins

    …..and thanks for the Caravaggio!

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