
Ghost Chickens Skyward.

Ghost Chickens in the Sky.

Vocals: Tennessee banjo player Mr Troy Boswell, known professionally as Leroy Troy.

Lyrics: American stand-up comedian and singer Sean Morey and American songwriter and actor Stan Jones

Ghost Chickens in the Sky.

A chicken Farmer, took a walk, out on his farm one day,
He paused by the coop, as he went along his way,
When all at once a rotten egg hit him in the eye,
It was the sight he dreaded, ghost chickens in the sky.


(Chicken clucking/crowing sounds)
Ghost chickens in the sky.

He’d been a chicken farmer since he was twenty four,
Working for the Colonel, for thirty years or more,
Killing all theses chickens and sending them to fry,
And now they want revenge, ghost chickens in the sky.

[Repeat Chorus]

Their beaks were black and shiney, their eyes were blazing red,
They didn’t have no feathers these chickens all were dead,
They picked the farmer up and he died by the claw,
They cooked him extra crispy, (pause) and they ate him with coleslaw.

[Repeat Chorus]
Ghost chickens in the sky.



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