
River Suir Thurles In Unacceptable State – Continued.

The video which demonstrated the deplorable and completely unacceptable state of the first 50 metres of the river Suir south of Barry’s Bridge, in the very centre of our declining town of Thurles, was further supported by comments on social media. All comments indicated the disappointment felt by residents with regards to council officials and elected councillors and the degrading of Thurles.
Ms Sharon Scully (Thurles District Administrator) was, (as is usual with Thurles.Info), made aware of our dissatisfaction.

We will of course be forwarding an email to Ms Scully again later tonight, seeking further assistance with regards to the next 100 metres of this town’s valued river Suir.

Pic (1) Despite two days with no rain, evidence of ground water continuously flowing from under the Leisure Centre. Note the plastic papers ready to exit, come the next downpour to push open the heavy drain lid.
Pic (2, 3, 4) Supermarket Trolley’s which have remained in the River Suir for months.

What we would like is that Ms Scully would contact three of the local Supermarkets, latter backing unto the river Suir, asking that they remove their shopping trolleys from the water.

I know that Ms Scully will be anxious to observe this area herself, (after all seeing is believing), and so there are two other issues she might help us with, which are as follows:-

(1). Take a walk on now retired Mr S. Hanifin’s tarmac path from the ‘Swinging Gates’, on Emmet Street and examine the crater close to the now deceased Chestnut tree stump, same waiting for some pedestrian to fall into. (Yet another day out in Dirty Dublin, emerging for Tipperary Co. Council to visit the High Court, may still await.)

Pic (left) Giant crater on riverside walk near Emmet Street ‘Swinging Gates’.
Pic (right) – Some unknown liquid flowing into the river Suir from behind the future useless and yet unfunded ‘Thurles Inner Relief Road’

(2). What is flowing into the river Suir from a drain at the area where the inner relief road will be built. (Look, it’s possible that it was someone just brushing their teeth). Sure you know the area that I am talking about, didn’t TD Mr Jackie Cahill get the money from government to buy and update this area way back in 2021, or was he joking. [See video HERE quickly, before someone teaches him how to remove it.]


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