
Increase In Mandatory Retirement Age For Prison Officers.

The mandatory retirement age of prison officers has increased from 60 to 62, with effect from today.

The provisions which facilitate an increased mandatory retirement age for Gardaí will follow shortly, and, in the interim, the existing retirement age extension and retention arrangements in An Garda Síochána will continue to apply.

The increase is to the maximum retirement age, however people will still be able to continue to retire at 60, should they so wish.

These regulations were made possible by the enactment of Section 28 of the Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2024 on July 17th 2024.
This step amended section 8 of the Civil Service Regulation Act 1956 to provide that the acting Minister for Justice may (with the consent of the acting Minister of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform) make regulations setting the mandatory retirement age of prisoner officers.

Note: The mandatory retirement age for firefighters and members of the Permanent Defence Forces has also increased from 60 to 62 with effect from today, August 19th 2024.


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