
Encounter By Gardaí With Tipperary Murdered Pensioner For Ombudsman Referral.

Garda interactions prior to the death of Tipperary pensioner Mrs Josephine (Joan) Ray, on Sunday afternoon August 4th 2024, at St Joseph’s Park, Nenagh, North Co. Tipperary, is set to be referred to the Garda ombudsman.

Same decision comes after a series of investigations into the 89-year-old’s tragic murder.
Two arrests, (a male and a female), made over the past number of days, saw both released without charge in connection with her murder.

The murdered pensioner’s case raises significant public interest; bringing earlier actions taken by gardaí under scrutent, with regards to the actual circumstances surrounding her murder. It is expected that the ombudsman will review such interactions thus ensuring greater accountability and transparency.


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