
Man Jailed For Seven Years Following Rape Of 13-Year-Old Girl.

A 22-year-old male admitted raping a 13-year-old girl and falsely imprisoning her 16-year-old friend, having driven both teenage girls to buy cannabis in Co Tipperary on June 22nd of last year.

Both girls had been looking for a lift, and the man said he would take them “to collect weed”. Having collected the cannabis, the man drove the victims to a dark and secluded carpark area and raped the younger girl, while the other girl remained locked in his car.
He returned to the car some 15 minutes later and drove the girls to where they were staying.

The court learned that the man knew the girls age as he was already friends with her cousin. Ms Justice Karen O’Connor said that the huge age disparity between the accused and the 13-year-old minor was an aggravating factor in the offence, along with the fact that he had driven both girls to obtain drugs.

The accused was already on bail for the defilement of another teenager at the time he carried out the rape and false imprisonment. Ms Justice O’Connor said that the offences now represent both a repetition and an escalation of his previous sexual offending. The court also heard that his previous sentence of five years, with two years suspended, has now been activated and same must be served prior to this new 7 year sentence could take effect.

Ms Justice O’Connor further ordered that the accused remain abstinent from alcohol and all illicit drugs; attend mental health services, and engage with all treatment programmes and offence-focused work, as directed by the probation services, by Túsla and by An Garda Síochána. She further directed that he undergo supervision by the probation services, for a further three years following his prison release, and that his name be placed on the ‘Sex Offenders’ Register.


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