
Upgrade Of N75, (Kickham Street, Thurles) Halted Due To Lack Of Funds.

“The Town Centre First (TCF) policy aims to create town centres that function as viable, vibrant and attractive locations for people to live, work and visit, while also functioning as the service, social, cultural and recreational hub for the local community.” – See Town Centre First.

We learn this morning that the major upgrade of the N75, (Kickham Street), latter the main entry and exit route into and out of Thurles town (See Images) will now not go to tender, due to a lack of funding for the project from Transport Infrastructure Ireland.

To refresh our readers memories regarding this ongoing saga, please View Here and also View Here.

Meanwhile, here in Thurles, Co. Tipperary, other new serious concerns are being expressed by Thurles residents and local businesses, regarding the removal of parking spaces from within the Thurles town central area, due to a number of recent public announcements, none of which are being communicated by recently elected local representatives or Tipperary Co. Council officials.

The commitment that “The Town Centre First Plan will be driven by the local community and businesses as part of a Town Team, who will be supported by Town Regeneration Officers and technical expertise within each Local Authority”, appears to have been totally disregarded by council officials. See Town Centre First.

The announcements, raising such concerns, are emanating from Thurles Leisure Centre, and are as follows:

  1. Tipperary County Council intend to now close the 49 space car park established in Thurles Town Park, beside The Source building, latter positioned at the entrance to Cathedral Street, with effect from August 6th 2024, until December 2025, (16 months). Same closure is to effect the installation of a canopy over the existing car park area, thus creating an event space and also to refurbish an existing Great Famine era farm shed, into an 83 seater restaurant with glass facade café. Under this completed development it is planned to remove 16 car parking spaces from this area.
  2. The Department of Rural and Community Development approved funding of over €3 million for this Thurles Market Quarter Project, with undeclared substantial match funding element also provided by the taxpayer through Tipperary County Council.
  3. Problems arose last December with regards to the leasing by Tipperary Co. Council, of the 100 space car park, behind the now derelict Thurles Munster Hotel, Cathedral Street, owned by Mr Martin Healy. Although it was announced on TippFM radio on March 5th, that a 12 month deal had been agreed between the owner and Tipperary Co. Council; the Council and the property owner are now believed to have failed to agree any such new leasing agreement, leaving any future ongoing access to this car park in doubt and uncertain from next September. People will also be aware that present management at the Mary Immaculate College (formerly St Patrick’s College), as is their right, no longer allow parking on the College avenue and grounds.
  4. With 60% of parking removed from Liberty Square in the past 3 years; as many as 19 other car parking spaces are expected to be removed from the west end of Liberty Square, if and when work begins on that same long drawn out project, first begun on August 17th, 2020.
  5. Some 40 car parking spaces are expected to be removed with the expected upgrade to take place on Slievenamon Road (N62), between Liberty Square and Thurles Shopping Centre Roundabout.
  6. The car park provision, underneath ‘The Source’ building, has remained closed for the past number of years due to anti-social behaviour, which saw the low uncovered ceiling insulation torn down by idle hands, resulting in same being set alight, causing a small fire at this location, back in October of 2023. Both car parks within this immediate area, were intended for use by patrons of ‘The Source’ Arts Centre, including Thurles Library, the Thurles Town Park children’s play area, the Thurles Leisure Centre, local businesses and those attending daily religious services, in the nearby Cathedral of the Assumption on Cathedral Street, in the town.

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