


Vocals: Australian actor and bass-baritone singer Philip Mark Quast (Three times winner of the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor in a Musical), taken from the musical ‘Les Misérables’, latter based on the 1862 novel of the same name by French Romantic writer and politician Victor Hugo.
Lyrics: French record producer, actor, singer, songwriter and musical theatre composer Claude-Michel Schönberg.


There, out in the darkness,
A fugitive running,
Fallen from God, fallen from grace,
God be my witness,
I never shall yield,
Till we come face to face.
Till we come face to face.
He knows his way in the dark,
Mine is the way of the Lord,
Those who follow the path of the righteous,
Shall have their reward,
And if they fall, as Lucifer fell,
The flame, the sword!
Stars in your multitudes,
Scarce to be counted,
Filling the darkness with order and light.
You are the sentinels silent and sure,
Keeping watch in the night.
Keeping watch in the night.
You know your place in the sky.
You hold your course and your aim,
And each in your season,
Returns and returns,
And is always the same,
And if you fall as Lucifer fell,
You fall in flame!
And so it must be and so it is written,
On the doorway to paradise,
That those who falter and those who fall,
Must pay the price!
Lord let me find him, that I may see him,
Safe behind bars,
I will never rest,
Till then this I swear,
This I swear by the stars!



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