
Database Of Information On Unidentified Human Remains Published.

Today a second iteration of the database of information on unidentified human remains, provided by coroners around the country, has been published. The database can be found online HERE.

Database information on unidentified human remains for Co. Tipperary relate currently to two sites, with 6 cases, in total, highlighted. One of these sites named is a very old graveyard, so findings while worthy of note, are not hardly surprising.

Sites In Tipperary.Partial or Other Remains Details.Date Discovered.
Moycarkey Graveyard, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. (site 1)Male – Right leg – reconstructed. Pelvic bone.18th Aug 2020.
Moycarkey Graveyard, Thurles, Co. Tipperary (site 1).Unknown Gender – Skull fragment and Upper arm bone.18th Aug 2020.
Moycarkey Graveyard, Thurles, Co. Tipperary (site 2).Male – Human Pelvic bone.18th Aug 2020.
Moycarkey Graveyard, Thurles, Co. Tipperary (site 2).Female – Lumbar vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, collar bone.18th Aug 2020.
Moycarkey Graveyard, Thurles, Co. Tipperary (site 2).Unknown Gender – Skull fragment.18th Aug 2020.
Roscrea – Cois Carrig, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary.Male – Full remains of full term baby.23rd Dec1999.

Visual records on the database, including some facial images and items found with remains, have now been included, where they have been provided by coroners, for the first time.

Coroners have been asked to include, in their 2023 return, visuals of distinctive items such as jewellery, clothing, tattoos etc., found with or on unidentified remains.

The Department of Justice received visual detail from four coronial districts comprising three facial images (inclusive of one facial reconstruction image) and two visuals of items found with the remains.

One new return in respect of partial remains; a skull fragment, discovered in Tra Ciaran, North Harbour, Cape Clear, Co Cork, on the 11th December 2021, (latter confirmed to be human remains) on the 30th October 2023, was made for 2023.

The database now contains details of 26 unidentified full remains, 20 unidentified partial remains and 16 historical remains.

The first iteration of the database was launched on 16th May 2023, following compilation and publication of the database for the first time.

As the data on unidentified human remains was being compiled, it emerged that a number of remains detailed on the database did not have corresponding DNA samples on the National DNA Database.

As DNA profiles are generated and uploaded onto the database, they will be regularly checked against all profiles of unidentified remains in the hope of locating a DNA match and establishing an identification.

Given the complexities associated with historical remains, this process is expected to take some time to complete. Three exhumations have been carried out to date and DNA samples has been extracted from two remains. Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to identify the remains, but enquiries are ongoing into these and a number of other cases.


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