
Thurles Man, Convicted Of Serious Assault, Looses Appeal.

A Thurles man who went to a homeless unit to complain about a burglary at his home, and then attacked a man using a lump hammer which fractured his skull, has lost his appeal against the severity of his sentence.

Mr Donnacha Loughnane, aged 57 years, is currently serving 4.5 years for the violent attack, which occurred back in February of 2022 last.

A court heard how Mr Loughnane, who lived in the vicinity of a residential unit for homeless men in Thurles, had become totally obsessed with the idea that his victim had broken into his home and that of his parents home, and had removed items.

Mr Loughnane, on February 18th 2022 last, was captured on CCTV, at 4:41pm, banging on the front door of the homeless unit, before kicking it and walking away.

Later at 6:28pm he returned and spoke to the acting social care manager of the unit, communicating through a window in the building, complaining that the residents of the homeless unit were stealing items from his home.

At 11:10pm that night, Mr Loughnane returned to the unit, armed with a lump hammer and spoke to another social worker, this time claiming that a named resident had burgled his home and the home of his parents.

The named resident having overheard the accusation, came out, resulting in a physical and verbal row between him and Mr Loughnane. Mr Loughnane removed a lump hammer from his pocket and struck the victim across his head, having been first struck by the victim he had accused.

The victim fell to the ground and Mr Loughnane struck him at least six times, during this brutal attack.

Mr Loughnane was later arrested but first denied carrying out the assault, despite CCTV placing him at the scene. The victim, when rushed to hospital, was found to have suffered a number of fractures to his skull and eye socket, four wounds to his head and a wound to his ring finger.

Mr Loughnane, a single man, was later convicted for the assault, and on January 12th 2023, he was sentenced to five years with six months suspended for the assault causing harm and four years with six months suspended for the production of an article, same capable of inflicting serious injury or even death.

The Court of Appeal agreed with the initial judge’s sentencing decision and have now dismissed Mr Loughnane’s appeal.


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