
Gardaí Offer Safety Tips To Communities For Christmas.

1 – Numerous online Shopping Frauds are reported annually to An Garda Síochána. These frauds increase in number every year.

2 – If you are out this Christmas, take care when carrying your handbag, wallet or smart phone. Keep them in a safe location.

3 – If you are out this Christmas, also take care about where you store coats and handbags.

4 – At ATM’s, only take out as much money as you need. Cover your pin number and call the Gardaí if you believe the machine has been compromised.

5 – Park vehicles in well lit & secure areas. Take care of your Christmas shopping and never leave it unattended, especially if visible in your car.

6 – Secure all car doors and windows. Set the car alarm. Report all thefts, or suspicious activity to Gardaí & Security staff.

7 – Avoid burglaries at Christmas by securing all doors and windows and do use your home alarm system.

8 – Don’t leave Christmas presents in view from the outside of your home.

9 – If you’re expecting deliveries, always make sure someone is there to collect it or arrange for a trusted neighbour to take it in.

10 – Avoid alerting criminals to valuable goods inside your home. Recycle packaging carefully so they cannot see what has been delivered.

11 – If you are visiting family or friends this Christmas, make your own home look occupied; leave some lights on.

12 – Drink alcohol responsibly. Never, ever drink and drive.

Special Note of Warning to the Business Community: The business community are frequently targeted by fraudsters using stolen or compromised credit cards, bank accounts or payments, in what is called Card Not Present Fraud. Businesses who are victims of this fraud will suffer losses under the ‘charge back’ process.


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