
North Tipperary Gardaí Appealing For Information Relating To House Burglaries.

Tipperary Gardaí are appealing for information in relation to three house burglaries.

The break-ins occurred in the Lorrha – Rathcabbin area of North Tipperary over recent days, just last month.

Nenagh Gardaí have confirmed that a burglary occurred at a house near Grange Lorrha, on October 22nd last. The incident happened, during the day, sometime before 5:00pm.
Another house at Lelagh, Rathcabbin was also burglarised, between the 28nd and 29th of October last.

A third burglary took place also in Lorrha possibly on the evening of October 28th, sometime between 6:00pm and 8:00pm, during which we understand a small amount of cash was removed during the incident.

Anyone in the vicinity who may have noticed any unusual movements in these areas are asked to contact Nenagh Gardaí on Tel: 067 31333 or indeed any Garda Station.


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