Daffodils (Narcissus), usually among the first bulbs to appear in the Spring, are already appearing in gardens in Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Pic: G. Willoughby. (October 22nd 2023).
Gardeners often worry when they see daffodils, and other spring bulbs emerge long before their scheduled time, but do not be overly alarmed as, fortunately, there needs be little cause for future concern.
If our weather is unusually warm, as it has been in Co. Tipperary this year, Daffodil sprouts may already appear above ground, showing a few inches of their green tipped stems.
Should weather become more volatile than is normal however, it is best to cover up these premature shoots with a layer of bark mulch, peat or straw, thus shielding them from future severe frost damage; latter which could result in the tips of the leaves turning brown.
The whole world is changing.