- Training launched to help security workers identify child victims of trafficking.
- New Action Plan to combat human trafficking to be published within weeks.
EU Anti-Trafficking Day is being marked by emphasising the importance of raising awareness of the crime, and confirming that a new action plan to combat human trafficking will be published within weeks.

EU Anti-Trafficking Day is marked each year on October 18th and among the events in Ireland today is the launch of a training module around child trafficking awareness, same aimed at relevant sectors within the security industry, and developed by the Private Security Authority (PSA) and the training provider, MECPATHS.
Separately, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) is launching research, funded by the Department of Justice, on human trafficking on the island of Ireland, with a focus on the border with Northern Ireland.
Minister for Justice Mrs Helen McEntee has stated, “Human trafficking is an exploitative and particularly heinous crime that preys on some of the most vulnerable, and is committed with no regard for life, dignity or for the most basic of human rights.
It has no place in a modern and civilised society. Victims can be found anywhere, often hidden in plain sight and we need wider society to recognise the signs and to contact An Garda Síochána if they have concerns.
We are determined to combat this insidious crime and to support those who are victims of it.“
Minister McEntee will shortly publish the third Action Plan to combat human trafficking, with the key goals of this plan focused on creating a more victim-centred approach to identifying and supporting victims; raising awareness; and providing training for those who need it.
Introducing the revised National Referral Mechanism (NRM) will be a key action. The National Referral Mechanism is the framework through which the State identifies and supports victims of human trafficking.
An Garda Síochána is currently solely responsible for identifying victims. The reality is that some victims of trafficking, because of interactions they may have had with law enforcement officials in other jurisdictions, have a perception that police cannot be trusted. The new approach acknowledges other State bodies and NGOs have a role in identifying victims of human trafficking and referring them to the NRM. Legislation to introduce the new NRM is currently before the Dáil.
The development of training, through NGOs, targeting front line staff in industries such as hospitality, airline, shipping and security, latter who may come into contact with trafficked persons is also key to the new plan.
Today sees the launch of the PSA online training module around Child Trafficking awareness. The training will become mandatory for all new applicants for a PSA licence in the Door Supervisor and Security Guarding sectors.
Further information can be found on the Department of Justice’s dedicated anti trafficking website HERE.
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