Parents of students attending schools in Thurles, and travelling from the south, northwards on the N62, please take note.
Tipperary County Council are advising the public that they will operate temporary traffic management measures on the N62 Slievenamon Road, Thurles, commencing from tomorrow Monday September 25th possibly concluding next month on Monday October 23rd.
Same disruption is to facilitate works on a section of the footpath currently existing between Lidl Supermarket entrance and the River Suir walkway.

Pictures: G. Willoughby.
These works are part of a further realignment of the road already partially constructed and then stalled some 11 months ago, and will include the removal and relocation of an ESB pole and a portion of existing footpath, while also installing a 100 metre cycle path from the present existing traffic lights on the southbound lane of the N62.
While the removal and relocation of the historic lime stone half circle walls at the existing River Suir walkway entrance have been welcomed, the failure to replace the existing turnstile (swinging gates) has caused great anger locally.
We are informed that the National Transport Authority has introduced new non-compliant access control points, affecting all newly modified Active Travel Routes and require a minimum of an 1800mm clear opening, on all public entrances.
This enlarged opening now permits not just walkers unto this pathway, but also horses pulling buggies, which are then driven into the river Suir, together with motorcycles and adult electric scooters, all now regular visitors using this former pedestrian only area.
Word of warning: If you are using this walkway in the company of small children, please do take care, as unsupervised children can easily run out onto the roadway, into the ever fast moving traffic operating on this section of the N62.
To facilitate this work, a section of the footpath between the new Lidl entrance and the River Suir Walkway is expected to remain closed, including the River Suir walkway itself.
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