Saturday night, May 20th 2023, saw a presentation of €2,000.00 to the “Blue Door”, latter an initiate of Thurles Lion Club. The presentation was made in front of a large attendance, in Corcoran’s Bar, situated in the village of Two-Mile-Borris, Co. Tipperary.

Front Row, L-R: Christy O’ Brien, Thomas Cantwell, Jim Russell (Chairman North Tipperary Vintage & Machinery Club), Kay Cantwell (Blue Door) Chris Delahunt, (Blue Door),Ray Derry (Blue Door) and Margaret Cantwell (North Tipperary Vintage Club).
Pic: G. Willoughby
The North Tipperary Vintage and Machinery Club “Road Run” took place on March 19th last, starting in Two-Mile-Borris before travelling via Littleton, Ballinunty, Ballysloe, Gortnahoe, Mary Willies and back to Two-Mile-Borris for a hot meal, provided by Joan Dwyer and her team, catering for up to 200 people.
Up to 150 Tractors, Cars and Lorries took part, with the Order of Malta giving valuable assistance on route. Much thanks to Vincent and Elaine Corcoran for the use of their premises, field etc.
North Tipperary Vintage & Machinery Club wish to thanks all who supported their raffle and gave donations.
The Blue Door initiative:
The ‘Blue Door’ is an initiative of Thurles Lions Club, with overall ethos being one of inclusiveness, confidentially, friendliness, warmth and security, with no stigma, no mental health emphasis, just overall well-being.
If you’re going through a tough time, for whatever reason, having someone to talk to can help. The Blue Door offers a listening service.
Talk to their trained listeners in complete confidence. They promise to listen without judgement offering an empathetic ear. They can assist you by guiding you to professional councillors and /or other professionals as you require.
So, if experiencing difficulties, why not call them on Tel: 085 2246371, with telephone lines open every day, from 7:00pm – 8:30pm.
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