Pic: G. Willoughby.
People travelling out to the townsland of the Heath, west of Thurles Town are being asked to take great care due to the existence of a 12.75cm (5in) deep expanding crater situated in the centre of the narrow roadway.
Same crater, resembling a giant footprint, is located west of JYSK, close to the junction leading to the Heath townsland at the junction with the R660 (Holycross Road). See image above.
Meanwhile, while we are on the topic of roads; do also take care when travelling on the Slievenamon Road, (N62), travelling south from Liberty Square town centre, which has been allowed to fall into an unforgivable, similar state of disrepair over past months.

Meanwhile, packed tight bottle and can banks in Parnell Car Park have been allowed once again to overflow unto the surrounding new car park area.
People today are now using one of the aluminium can recycling containers to dispose of glass. See image above.
Once again, nothing whatsoever gained from our compulsory residential property tax.
What happened with the bypass George?? Can you do an historical perspective on that please??
Happy New Year Ursula,
I am awaiting correspondence in relation to the bypass, expected shortly. I will then be writing more about the issue. As you are possibly aware Transport Infrastructure Ireland cannot fund an outer bypass, since our two local TDs and Tipperary Co. Council have failed miserably to progress the issue as far as the current National Development Plan. It looks like I will be long dead before it arrives. Next National Development Plan is at least 7 years away, between 2030 and 2040. It has been 11 years since the feasibility study was initially produced.