“The fact is that no species has ever had such wholesale control over everything on earth, living or dead, as we now have. That lays upon us, whether we like it or not, an awesome responsibility. In our hands now lies not only our own future, but that of all other living creatures with whom we share the earth.”
Quote by Sir David Attenborough, English broadcaster, Biologist, Natural Historian and Author, —— “Life on Earth“
St. Patrick’s Cemetery was consecrated 94 years ago, on May 11th, 1928, by Archbishop Dr. J.M. Harty.
Of the persons of high rank and position present on that day were; J.M. Kennedy (Town Clerk, Irish Nationalist, Historian), W. Butler (Chairperson Urban District Council), and L. Scully (Chairman Burial Board).

Pic: G. Willoughby.
Prior to the above date, (95 years previous), the first interment had already taken place on August 1st, 1927; that of Mrs M. Gorman (R.I.P.), latter a resident of Athnid, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
In that same period, immediately prior to its consecration, trees had been planted outlining the shape of a cross in St. Patrick’s cemetery, which today, with the exception of possibly one, all still survive, standing healthy almost 100 years later.
Recently, according to local press, Thurles councillor Mr Jim Ryan has asked Tipperary County Council to cut back or remove these trees in St. Patrick’s cemetery; the reason – “to prevent bird fouling”.
Councillor Ryan stated that he had received complaints from families visiting the graveyard, regarding visiting birds, which he declared were “causing huge grief”.
An unnamed spokesperson for Tipperary County Council stated that they were ‘disinclined‘ to remove healthy trees, [Tipperary County Council, removed 6 healthy 35 year old trees in Liberty Square, in 2021, as part of their ‘half-town centre upgrade’, sadly replacing them with trees not fit for any real purpose].
Without any previously known or highlighted complaints from families, within the last 94 years we wonder:-
- Was this just another attempt to grab a newspaper headline by Councillors?
- Should now numerous, 100 year old, healthy Yew (Taxus coniferous trees) and Lawson Cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) be cut down?
- Should a giant micro net be thrown over St. Patrick’s Cemetery, thus prohibiting birds from obtaining items of food?
- Should all the headstones, where birds also come to land, be totally removed?
- Should we have a ‘Halloween fireworks display’ every evening, twice paid (using private donations and taxpayer money as is currently the case) to terrorise these feathered, God’s creatures, to drive them completely out of the area?
- With data confirming the loss of around 600 million breeding birds in the EU since 1980; should we employ a member of staff and arm them with a shot gun to rid us of this imaginary nuisance?
- Could those persons complaining, not instead, arm themselves with a pair of gloves; a bottle of water and a piece of kitchen towel or a rag, as most normal people do, when visiting their family graves?
After the massive downpours of rain, experienced over the past 14 days, today, I failed to find even one headstone showing evidence of bird faeces.

However, on returning home from the cemetery today, just a few metres further on, west of the cemetery entrance, (opposite the Mace Supermarket at Loughtagalla), I once again made the acquaintance of an eight week old, 30.48cm (12in) deep pothole, which failed to get a mention at that same Municipal District Council meeting.
But sure, as Torquay builder Mr O’Reilly (Actor David Kelly) said to Mr Basil Fawlty (Actor John Cleese) in Faulty Towers “If the good Lord meant us to worry he would have given us things to worry about.”
Sadly we live in a time when intelligent people remain silent, so that stupid people won’t feel offended.
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