Local correspondent Mr Gerry Bowe Reports: –
This long established annual visit to Moyasta, Co. Clare initially started with the Nell Galvin Music Festival back in the year 2000. Nell Galvin’s son Michael and his wife Phyllis both resided in Two-Mile-Borris for over 50 years and the late Michael was the man who first got “the show on the road”.

Sadly, Michael died in March 2011 and his wife Phyllis (nee Kavanagh) passed away in September 2021, thus the main impetus for the continuing of this most pleasurable of reunions.
The group stayed with Michael and Bridie Keane at the Oyster Bar Lisdeen, Kilrush Rd, Garraun, Kilkee, where once again they were treated right royally, in a most homely fashion, during their recent visit. The contact with the Keane family and with Barney and Linda Eustace, Ennis, is always greatly enhanced throughout the year by regular phone communications.
This year 25 members, from the Two-Mile-Borris community, made the annual visit to once again mark this occasion. The group visited Carrigaholt; Fanny O’Dea’s, in Lissacasey, Ennis and Murty Brown’s, in Tullycrine, on the way down, not forgetting a visit to the Keogh family, in Moyasta.
A massive “Thanks You” to all who renewed their friendship during this most enjoyable weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again next year.
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