The award-winning novel ‘Three Eleven’, written by Moyglass author Ms Margaret Grant, has its scheduled Irish launch in Cashel Library at 7:00pm on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022.
The novel ‘Three Eleven’ was awarded the Premio Emotion by City of Cattolica’s Pegasus Literary Prize.
Margaret grew up near Moyglass, Fethard, Co. Tipperary, where her father made hurleys and her mother worked as a Librarian. She lived in Tokyo for eleven years and was there when Japan was rocked by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Her experiences on that day and in the weeks and months that followed formed the inspiration for ‘Three Eleven’, her debut novel.
Margaret holds an MA in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University and works in education.
The Città di Cattolica – Pegasus Literary Awards are known internationally for the quality of their content. Their focus is on reviving literary culture by stimulating the creativity of young and old, as well as discovering new talents, while at the same time celebrating those who, over the years, have distinguished themselves in the cultural field.
“It is very fitting that Margaret is to have her Irish launch of this most enjoyable novel with the Tipperary County Council Library Service, where her mother worked and no doubt harnessed her love of literature”, says Cashel Librarian Ms Maura Barrett. “We are delighted she chose Cashel Library, a place she frequented as a child, that is a lovely thing, to come full circle, we wish her every success with it”.
‘Three Eleven’ is a page turner. It is a novel set in our times. Japan is a country prepared for earthquakes. Strict guidelines govern new building construction and its citizens are regularly instructed on what to do and how to behave.
Nevertheless, nobody was ready for what 2011 had in store for the country. That year, on March 11th, a powerful earthquake off the north-eastern coast triggered a huge tsunami, resulting in a massive number of casualties and the destruction of a nuclear power plant in Fukushima. In the wake of that frightening event, many foreign residents decided to leave the country, fearing the worst was yet to come.
On that day also many lives changed forever, including those of friends and book club buddies – Charlotte, Lauren, Fumiko, Katherine and Sinéad. The five friends had planned to meet on the following Wednesday, to discuss their book of the month, ‘Middlemarch’, (latter by author Mary Anne Evans, who wrote as George Eliot), but that get-together was not meant to be.
They didn’t lose their homes or their loved ones in the disaster, but the seismic event shook them to their very core.
‘Three Eleven’ is the story of five women and how they each reshaped their lives in the aftermath of this shattering event. Margaret Grant in this work of fiction skilfully weaves this tale of survival that stays with you long after you have closed the book.
Margaret Grant’s novel launch ‘Three Eleven’ takes place in Cashel Library, Friar St, St. Francisabbey, Cashel, Co. Tipperary, on Tuesday 6th September 2022 at 7:00pm, when Margaret will read from her novel and make herself available to sign copies.
There will be musical entertainment and a cheese and wine reception. All are welcome to attend, [RSVP please to Cashel Library Tel: 062 63825.]
‘Three Eleven’ is published by Europe Books and will be available for purchase at the event, stocks are also available through Hanna’s Books
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