Gardaí will show off their new uniforms, as and from today.
This promised, and now updated uniform was a key recommendation within the report on the ‘Future of Policing in Ireland’.
Picture courtesy An Garda Síochána
This will be only the third time in the force’s history that Garda uniforms has been formally updated, with all parts of the uniform for the first time, other than the cap, bearing the Garda crest, while shirts and ties are being relinquish.
The new uniforms have been delivered to approximately 13,000 members of the Garda force; bearing the rank of Garda, Sergeant and Inspector, over the past number of weeks, with quality over cost being the priority when deciding on the new designed outfits.
Previously, guideline regarding the wearing of official headwear for religious and cultural reasons had been brought up to date, thus allowing for the wearing of Turbans (Indian subcontinent), Topi skull caps (South Asia), Kufi caps (Africa/South Asia), Kippah (brimless caps traditionally worn by Jewish males) and Hijabs (Islamic head covering).
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