We stand to be corrected on the date; but an exhibition possibly organised in 2009, in the early days of ‘The Source‘ building in Thurles, asked what would Thurles would look like in future years.

The above picture indicates one of the futuristic exhibits.
Alas, Tipperary County Council employed consultants, better known in the business as “Daydream Believers” to continue their previous successes in destroying the town centre, and choose to shy away from the wishes of public residents.
What will be interesting to watch, however, is the car-park area behind the soon to abscond Ulster Bank, when primary school pupils will return to the class room at an adjoining primary school.
Because of stupid restricted parking on Liberty Square; same now given over to those “Loading” and to “Taxi Ranks”, and with enlarged upgraded footpaths now surrendered for use as public houses and tea rooms operating between the showers, all car-parks remain full to capacity.
The major difficulties will now arise when parents return in September to attempt to pick up their small school kids.
Regarding Ulster Bank, the branch is closing in the coming months, but Permanent TSB are moving in. It’s one of 25 branches PTSB have agreed to purchase. All Ulster Bank staff employed in Thurles will be retained.
Chris. Spoke with PTSB staff yesterday. It would appear that there may be a delay after Ulster Bank finally vacate the building in early November possibly, before PTSB officially open. Delay caused by renovations I think. Same issue could therefore cause problems transferring accounts from Ulster Bank. For the next month at least PTSB staff will be in Thurles, (Liberty Square area) every Tuesday & Thursday for people wishing to transfer accounts. Their parking has been stupidly limited by Thurles M D council to two hours, before being moved to a new location. One would have thought they would have been assisted by Thurles MDC, thus encouraging footfall both now and in the furure.