The Minister for Justice, Mrs Helen McEntee TD, has yesterday welcomed the opening of the 2022 campaign for the position of Recruit Prison Officer in the Irish Prison Service.
Minister McEntee is urging people, especially those in minority and new Irish communities, to consider the Irish Prison Service as a career.
The competition is being run by the Public Appointments Service on behalf of the Irish Prison Service. The Irish Prison Service intends to recruit up to 144 Recruit Prison Officers in 2022 with an additional 200 in 2023.
Minister for Justice, Mrs Helen McEntee said, “I am delighted that the 2022 Recruit Prison Officer competition has now opened, allowing people the opportunity to join this front-line service. Being a Prison Officer is a very challenging and rewarding role. Prisoners will look to you, as the most accessible people they have in their lives, as figures of authority and also as people to learn from. You will have the opportunity to help prisoners see their time in custody as an opportunity to change their lives for the better and as a fresh beginning. As a Prison Officer you will be best placed to provide corrective experiences and demonstrate a good way of behaving”.
The last recruitment competition was held in early 2019 and classes have continued right throughout the pandemic. The 2022 Recruit Prison Officer Competition is open until Thursday 4th August 2022 at 3:00pm.
Ms Caron McCaffrey, Director General of the Irish Prison Service added, “The 2022 Recruit Prison Officer competition is very much welcomed and demonstrates our commitment to expanding our workforce. The role of Prison Officers can be both challenging and rewarding and our training will provide applicants with a greater understanding of the complex role a prison officer will face, which combines the provision of safe and secure custody, with care and rehabilitation of our prisoners”.
Information on the competition can be found by visiting the Public Appointments Service website HERE.
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