* Changes To Disabled or Invalid Parking In Liberty Square, Thurles.
* Thurles Municipal District Council Use Consultant To Decide Paint Colour For Liberty Square Businesses.

Picture shown above, indicate recent changes to Disabled or Invalid Parking in Liberty Square, Thurles. Initially sign posts identifying these parking areas [See Pic. I] were erected facing away from traffic [See Pic. 2] the wrong way. Now the same erected signs have been removed altogether [See pic. 3] and their postholes filled in with tarmac, [See Pic. 4].
Disabled or Invalided drivers, not familiar with the area, can now no longer find the spaces, shielded by parked cars.
But not to worry; once again it’s only taxpayers money.
On another matter; local press reports that Fianna Fáil Councillor Mr Seamus Hanafin has been informed by District Administrator Ms Sharon Scully (Templemore Thurles Municipal District Council) of a proposed Liberty Square painting scheme.
From the report we understand that Ms Scully informed council members that a consultant had drawn up a “pallet of colours”, which would be used and she was asking for expressions of interest by property owners on the half upgraded Liberty Square area of the town.
It is all about Liberty Square.
Meanwhile, local press makes no public mention of the stench of sewage being experienced by shop owners on the money side of Liberty Square (distinct from the ‘Sunny side’).
We understand, however, that a representative of Thurles Municipal District Council has called to the shops in question, [latter stretching from Emmet Street to Slievenamon Road], following complaints having been received by said council. According to two shop owners, they were informed to forward any further complaints to “Irish Water”.
We further understand, that at least one premises has contacted their landlord, regarding the issue.
One shop owner informed us that an Irish Water representative has since called, but couldn’t get any smell.
Perhaps his olfactory sensory neurons, which are found normally in a small patch of tissue high inside the nose and connected directly to his brain, were out of action at the time. Or perhaps the prevailing wind, blowing from a westerly direction, had failed to materialise on that given day.
Meanwhile, regardless of this stench; same akin to sewage, (according to my chemosensory system), Fianna Fail Councillor Mr Hanafin, [again according to Local Press] has stated that dereliction is a major problem in town centres across Co. Tipperary and the only way he could see out of it, was by the council issuing ‘Compulsory Purchase Orders’ on these properties, or else charging a ‘dereliction levy’ on property owners.
Cllr Hanafin, did not elaborate on what all the properties would be then used for, once ‘compulsory purchase’ had been undertaken by the council, using of course good old taxpayers money.
A listen, sure you have to be saying something when elected to a position of power within your community.
I wonder is the paint colour on my house OK?