Today is June 2nd, 2022, and as yet not one flower container or flower bed has been planted this year by Thurles Municipal District Council staff.
Perhaps one of our local councillors might like to communicate to the public on why this has been allowed to happen.
Before the introduction of Property Tax all of our flower containers and hanging baskets were planted. Today, no public hanging basket exists and expensive flower containers remain filthy and empty of plants, except for what seeded itself over last year.

Yes, we have some large new pink flower containers on Liberty Square filled with “Box Hedging” and lavender-blue flowered “Catmint”, but these containers also are being neglected, with much evidence of “Dock” plants and “Yellow Rocket Cress”, same never ever intended for planting.
Thankfully, Thurles Shopping Centre and Lidl Supermarket have privately set the example, with both premises shaming Thurles Municipal District Council officials and our local elected councillors.

Between poor street surfaces, a river that currently looks like an open sewer and street lighting burning 24 hours each day; 4 questions:
(1) Why do we need a tourist office?
(2) Why do we continue to pay Property Tax?
(3) Why do we continue to pay the salaries of failed administrators?
(4) Why are Thurles residents accepting poor standards of administration in complete silence?
No sense of pride in these people. How can visitors be expected to return to the town having seen the state of it. No regard for the residents or their genuine complaints. Thank you George for highlighting the state of the town.
Shame On Thurles Municipal District Councillors.
Absolutely agree with you George. Vincent Barber is right ‘no sense of pride’ in these people. However, I would like to say once again that there is also ‘No accountability’ where these matters are concerned.
We have a big hurling game in Thurles this Sunday 5th June, 2022….what impression are we giving our visitors?
Shame on you Tipperary County Council.