According to the Health Protection Surveillance Centre, new figures released are showing that the number of people presenting themselves to medical professionals, having contracted sexually transmitted infections (STIs), has surged.
The number of STI cases reported between January and March 2022, are 45% higher than for the same time period in 2021.
Rates of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) if not treated; Gonorrhoea and common Chlamydia, latter which can cause permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive system, have all risen significantly; following a drop in cases in 2020/21.
HIV diagnoses have now surged by some 84% alone; while cases of Gonorrhoea have increased by 61% and Chlamydia has risen by 44%, all over the previous same 3 month 2021 period.
It is thought that poor sexual health education; together with more opportunities to socialise, following the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, could be contributing greatly to this serious health issue.
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