“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
It was in January last, when all our elected representatives, representing various political blandishments, came together with the glad, positive tidings, stating that each and all were fully responsible in acquiring a “grand chunk of auld funding”. Same which of course had been initially sucked from the veins of the Irish taxpayer, latter already lacking enough healthy red blood cells, with which to carry adequate oxygen to their bodily tissue.
Thurles Independent Councillor Mr Jim Ryan; him being the fastest keypad operator, was first to express his particular delight that half a million of taxpayers money was to be spent in the area of “Bowes Corner”, here in west Thurles.

Not surprisingly, half a day later, Tipperary Fianna Fáil TD, Deputy Mr Jackie Cahill, persuaded someone to upload details of his absolute delight in receiving confirmation from none other than his “colleagues in Government”, that this “Bowe’s Corner Junction Improvement Scheme”, had been allocated €500,000 for major alterations. He further expressed his joy in seeing his hard work paying off; while including fellow local Fianna Fáil councillors, namely Mr Seamus Hanafin and Mr Seán Ryan, for working on this and other numerous road and footpath projects, that he couldn’t name.
Independent TD, Deputy Mr Michael Lowry, despite his “Lowry Team” supporters, was last to hear of this success from county council staff, but eventually also got around to find someone to write and welcome this overall allocation, stating that this funding would help make urban centres, throughout the county and the country, more attractive places to live, work, visit and, in the case of Thurles, to remain unemployed.
Now today, three months later, take a look at the state of “Bowes Corner”, in the picture provided above.
What Thurles residents now want to know is where did this €500,000 go?
Did Mr Cahill forget to collect our cheque from Minister for Finance Mr Paschal Donohoe?
Was it spent on the Clonmel Blue Way by accident?
Why is tarmac being laid on our natural walk ways, without our permission and against the wishes of those who enjoy biodiversity; while our streets in Thurles remain perforated, every couple of feet, in giant potholes?
Is it any wonder that individual pedestrians are taking Tipperary County Council officials into the High Court, seeking thousands in compensation for ankle injuries and falls.
I don’t know what to say.