A 20 cent levy on disposable coffee cups is expected to come in to effect later this year according to Junior Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communication, Mr Ossian Smyth.
Mr Smyth confirmed this morning that the Circular Economy Bill 2021, will lay out the necessary legislative basis for the levy, aimed at reducing and eventually eliminating an estimated 200 million cups that are thrown into landfill each year.
Mr Smyth has stated that the aim is not to raise money from the levy, but to change the habits of consumers. The Bill hopefully, which has already been approved by Cabinet, will now make Ireland the first country in the world to eliminate the use of disposable coffee cups.
The Restaurants Association of Ireland has said it has some concerns about the proposal and is anxious to know more.
Continuing on the topic of littering;
Mr Smyth has confirmed that local authorities will soon be empowered to use CCTV footage to bring prosecutions in relation to those persons found fly tipping.
Local authorities have in the past attempted to collect the evidence required to convict people and have found that they run up against current privacy and data protection issues.
Such required regulations are regarded as being long overdue.
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