Today, on the border with Belarus, a Ukrainian delegation continues to hold talks with hostile Russian officials. French President Mr Monsieur Emmanuel Macron has been speaking by phone with President Mr Vladimir Putin, urging him to halt his oppressive offensive against Ukraine.
Here in Thurles Co. Tipperary, the ‘Polish Shop’, (Sklep Polski Jelonek) with an address at Stradavoher, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, today deal with a continuous flow of Tipperary people, all anxious in particular to help refugees crossing over the polish border.
Speaking to the proprietor of the ‘Polish Shop’ in Stradavoher, Mrs Aneta Hughes, this afternoon, confirmed that volunteers continue to work in shifts packing the many donations of food and clothing being brought to her retail premises.

Indeed, as we talked a courier arrived (see poster in top image above) to transport yet another donated cargo, picked up free of charge for delivery to Poland’s northern border.
Donated items to-date have included clothing, ground sheets and tinned or dried food goods.
Proprietor, Mrs Hughes has pointed out that she is no longer seeking clothing items, but is continuing to accept medical goods, ground sheets and tinned or dried food goods.
She is also seeking help from hauliers who can transport, free of charge, medical and food supplies into North Eastern Europe. [Tel: Contact (0504) 36081]
Meanwhile, Western placed sanctions on Saturday last, triggered by this wanton Russian invasion, have sent Russian currency (The ruble lost about 25%) plummeting, forcing ordinary Russian inhabitants to line up at banks and ATMs.
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