Omicron Cases rise to 14,241 on Irish Mainland in past 24 hours; an increase of 2,270 on yesterday’s reported tally.

Within the past 24 hours, here in the Irish Republic a further 4,006 confirmed cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed by the Department of Health, while 5,212 people registered a positive antigen test, through the HSE portal.
Same numbers when totalled confirm that there are 9,218 new virus cases, in our Republic, latter an increase of 1,179 based on the figure reported in the same 24 hour period yesterday.
As of 8:00am today, there were 824 patients with the virus in hospital, of whom 79 are in ICU’s across the country, latter up 3 on yesterday.
In Northern Ireland, their Department of Health, have confirmed 5,023 new infections today.
There are 393 patients, with Covid-19, in northern hospitals, up from 371 yesterday and of these 21 patients with Covid-19 are in intensive care units, down from 23 reported yesterday.
Sadly, in Northern Ireland also 5 more Covid-related deaths have been confirmed.
Please continue the downward virus hospital trend by getting your booster vaccination dose, as soon as applicable.
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