You, our readers, will remember a story we carried on January 15th last, [Reporter Mr Gerry Bowe], concerning secret preparations being made for Sr. Mary Britton, latter a native of Two-mile-Borris, who was due to celebrate her 100th birthday in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia on January 20th, last 2022.

Picture courtesy G. Bowe.
Today, we are happy to bring you a picture featuring that same event, shown above.
Back here in her home village of Two-Mile-Borris, Thurles last week, local Parish Priest Fr. Tom Fogarty, celebrated Mass in the Church of St. James, to honour this significant occasion and remarkable life; attended by members of the Britton family and friends residing in Two-Mile-Borris and its environs.
Sr. Mary, we wish you continued years of good health and happiness.
In the words of an old Irish blessing – “Lá Breithe Shona dhuit agus sláinte an bhradáin agat”.
[English Translation: “Happy Birthday and may you have the health of the salmon”.]
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