The Department of Health has confirmed 4,152 new cases of Covid-19 within the past 24 hours, in the Irish Republic.
There are 543 people in hospital who have tested positive for the virus, up 38 since yesterday and of these 118 are in intensive care units around the country; up 1 on yesterday’s reported figures.
Last week 7,359 Covid cases were recorded amongst the 5–12-year-old age group, latter an increase of 21% compared to the previous week. The National Immunisation Advisory Committee recommends that Covid-19 vaccinations be now offered to children aged 5 to 11 years. The main programme for same proposed vaccinations is likely to begin in January 2022.
In Northern Ireland, a further 1,933 positive Covid cases have been confirmed .
There are 329 patients with Covid-19 in northern hospitals up from 317 reported yesterday, with 38 patients in hospital intensive care units, up from the figure of 35 reported on Monday.
Sadly, 5 further deaths have also been reported in Northern Ireland today.
In better news, BioNTech and Pfizer have said a three-shot course of their Covid-19 vaccine was able to neutralise the new Omicron variant in their laboratory tests.
However, today the World Health Organisation (WHO), has stated that early data indicates the Omicron Covid variant may more easily reinfect people than previous variants, despite people already having had the virus or been vaccinated.
It is now essential that we continue to listen to science and keep ourselves and our families safe by regularly washing our hands; wearing a mask when appropriate, and cut down on unnecessary social contacts.
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