It is going to happen around mid-November, possibly before the frost sets in. Yes, Tipperary Co. Council are going to once again provide a more efficient set of traffic lights at the junction of Clongower Road and Slievenamon Road. Same are expected be more efficient than the traffic light they installed last week.
We raised the problems relating to this junction on Thurles.Info, first on December 5th, 2018; then again on December 17th, 2018; then January 29th, 2020; then on February 22nd, 2021; not to mention July 10th, 2021 and quite frankly we expect to be discussing it all again in the not too distant future, based on my observances today.

Engineers are going to upgrade road-markings at this same junction, just installed last week, making it the third time to upgrade same in the last two years; all in an effort to ease the ongoing build-up of traffic caused by these traffic lights, which in turn was introduced by poor engineering skills within Tipperary Co. Council or Transport Infrastructure Ireland or whoever. Truth is we do not know who is responsible for anything anymore.
This continuous money wasting work unfortunately is expected just to be a reconfiguration of the existing traffic lights, with new road markings to provide for clear-ways at both the Rosemount and Monadreen exits. No mention of removing the unnecessary grass margin opposite Lidl.
Of course all that was needed initially was a low level roundabout, thus to ensure that traffic was kept flowing, significantly reducing the current totally unnecessary traffic build up which currently frustrates drivers. These so called filter lanes are expected to provide ease of access to both Lidl and Clongour Road.
But what about drivers attempting to exit Clongower Road?
Residents on both sides of Clongower Road find themselves unable to exit the gateways of their homes due to the long continuous lines of traffic tailed-back, all caused by poor quality engineering design.
Traffic entering Clongower road are further hampered by large vehicles illegally parked on a cycle path, while their occupants work on a house in the area. Same parking is holding and preventing large trucks, which must wait for traffic exiting that road, timed at the rate of 5 cars every 4 minutes.
We watched today as frustrated drivers continuously ran red lights, and as (parents please take note) small primary school children using pedestrian crossings, took chances.
It therefore comes as no surprise that a motorist in sheer frustration was clocked doing almost twice the speed limit in a 60km/h zone at Clongower (N62) on National Slow Down day this week. The motorist was clocked doing 114 km/h; just 6 km/h short of travelling at double the speed limited to that road and making national headlines.
This is a now a new problem created by a road engineer. Get rid of these traffic lights and employ a road engineer with proven experience and knowledge to solve this continuous logjam.
The amount of taxpayers money which continues to be wasted on this one junction demands a public enquiry, followed by sackings for those who have displayed total incompetence.
Meanwhile, with the whole town suffering the same fate, as shoppers struggle to enter the town from all directions, note the new problem on Slievenamon Road, delaying traffic (See image above). Vehicles, for the sake of a spanner to tighten a nut and bolt, are being asked to STOP on Slievenamon Road (N62) instead of on Fianna Road (N659). One wonders who’s side will be supported by Gardaí, in the event of a serious accident?
Meanwhile, as I am here standing on my soapbox; could elected councillor please inform SSE Airtricity to turn off the feckin lights during the daytime on almost every road and street in Thurles Town? They are operating 24 hours each day.
Now you understand why we are expected/forced to pay property tax?
What this street needs is new footpaths. It is like a war zone in parts of the town. Ready mix concrete and tarmac paths cracked to pieces. Paving brick doesn’t cost a lot more and last forever.
Totally agree Chris. Where is all the money being announced for roads being spent, certainly not in Thurles.