Criminal Assets Bureau established 25 years ago today.
Minister acknowledges the enormous contribution of this innovative law enforcement agency.
The Minister for Justice, Ms Heather Humphreys TD, has marked the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Criminal Assets Bureau with Garda Commissioner Drew Harris and Chief Bureau Officer, Detective Chief Superintendent Michael Gubbins.
The then Government of the time established the Bureau following the murder of the journalist Veronica Guerin and the subsequent enactment of the Proceeds of Crime Act 1996 and the Criminal Assets Bureau Act 1996.
Speaking at today’s press conference, Minister Humphreys stated,
“It is a great honour for me in my capacity as both Minister for Justice and Minister for Social Protection to congratulate the Criminal Assets Bureau on its 25th anniversary. The Bureau has been one of the great success stories in Irish law enforcement. Since its inception, the Bureau has been at the forefront of fighting organised crime in this jurisdiction and disrupting the activities of criminal gangs, by depriving them of ill-gotten assets.”
CAB recently published their annual report for 2020. Some of the notable recent actions in 2020 include in excess of €4.2 million being returned to the Exchequer and thirty-one new applications before the High Court under Proceeds of Crime legislation.
Minister Humphreys added,
“The key to the success of the Bureau is the multi-agency team approach comprising Gardaí, customs officers, revenue officials and social protection personnel. Over the last 25 years, the Bureau has retrieved hundreds of millions of euros in proceeds of crime, unpaid taxes and fraudulently obtained welfare payments. The Bureau has had some notable recent success with seizures of cryptocurrencies and the return of €5.5million of misappropriated funds to the Federal Republic of Nigeria“.“The Government is committed to supporting the future development and success of the Bureau and it is correct that we mark the 25th anniversary of its establishment with the creation of the Community Safety Innovation Fund, which will reflect the success of the CAB by providing additional funding for projects which will increase community safety”.
The Minister continued, “I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all past and current members of the Bureau for their exemplary service to the State and for their contribution to making the Criminal Assets Bureau such a success”.
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