In a joint operation between Cashel and Thurles Drugs Units, latter involved on investigating the sale and supply of controlled drugs and other controlled substances within the Cashel and Thurles areas; has led to the seizure of approximately €16,000 of Cannabis, Cocaine and Alprozolam tablets.

Alprazolam tablets, which act on the brain and central nervous system when consumed, can increase the risk of serious life-threatening breathing problems or a coma, if used along with certain other medications, such as codeine.
On October 8th, 2021, a van was stopped and searched outside Cashel Town. Same search, by Gardaí, led to the location and seizure of Cannabis to the value of €5,000.
In a follow up operation, the conducted search of a house in the Dualla area of Cashel, led to a further €11,000 of Cannabis, Cocaine and Alprozolam being located. Latter located narcotic substances, plus cash to the tune of €4,000, were also seized.
One man was arrested and interviewed in Cahir Garda Station. A file will now be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.
GOOD WORK Tipperary Gardaí.