On the afternoon of Tuesday, August 24th last, 2021, shortly after 5.30pm members of the Garda District Drugs Unit and Unit A, Clonmel carried out a search on a number of individuals at the Ard Gaoithe Business Park, Cashel Road, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Same persons had been observed as acting in a suspicious manner in the area.

Following the Garda search, heroin and crack cocaine, with a street value of approximately €1450, was seized.
A male in his mid 20’s was arrested at the scene and later detained at Clonmel Garda Station. Two motor vehicles were also seized by Gardaí at the same location.
One other of the males present, understood to be in his early 20’s, was later arrested on suspicion of assault, following an incident which occurred here in Thurles town, earlier in the month.
Well Done Gardaí