September is Heart Month and this year the Irish Heart Foundation is all about men’s health!

Ms Janis Morrissey, (Director of Health Promotion, Irish Heart Foundation), reports.
“Did you know that 1 in 4 men will die from heart disease and stroke? And men are nearly three times more likely than women to die young from heart disease and stroke?
But the good news is that 80% of these deaths are preventable with lifestyle changes.
That’s why we in the Irish Heart Foundation have teamed up with Rugby Players Ireland to get men all over Ireland to Reboot their life.
Supported by the HSE, we are here to help men to challenge themselves to make some positive lifestyle changes for their heart health.
Head over to to find out how you or the men in your life can Reboot and make small changes for a healthier heart and future.
You’ll find plenty of tips and Reboot stories from our Rugby Players Ireland Ambassadors Tommy Bowe, Paul Wallace, Malcom O’Kelly and Peter Stringer as well as the inspiring stories of our Irish Heart Foundation Ambassadors Don O’Sullivan and Niall Nugent.
It’s never too late to choose to Reboot.” Signed Janis Morrissey.
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