Work has eventually begun on the upgrade to the roundabout on the Holycross road.
Situated on the R-660, on Abbey Road, west of the town; funding of €75,000 had been allocated and announced for this project on February 1st 2019 last, some 2½ years ago.

Speaking to a few motorists, same are condemning the use of the motorway signage used in its construction, claiming that the eight massive signs now introduced, will block driving visibility, particularly facing west into late evening bright sun light, thus endangering pedestrians using the newly erected pedestrian crossings.
Agricultural contractors and members of the farming community are also unhappy with the overall upgrade, claiming the roundabout is too large and restrictive for the towing of trailers and other large machinery.

Word of warning to all motorists:
If you are travelling eastwards down Abbey Road, as you leave the roundabout do take care, [See Above] as a 4 inch deep pothole awaits to destroy a wheel rim or one of your tyres, on arrival at the other side.
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