The Department of Health has confirmed 1,126 new cases of Covid-19 in the Irish Republic today. There are 123 people in hospital, up 18 on yesterday, and 22 people in ICU, an increase of 1.
Here there are now over 5.5 million vaccines administered, with 83% of the our eligible population now partially vaccinated and over 68% fully vaccinated.

In Northern Ireland, 1,264 new Covid cases have been reported, together with, sadly, 2 further deaths within the past 24 hours.
As hospitalisations slowly continue to rise in both the South and the North of our island, the total number of Covid-19 cases confirmed in the past 24 hours stands at 2,390.
The Association of Secondary Teachers, in Ireland (ASTI) has stated that it is happy that all teachers will have been offered a vaccine by the time all schools reopen. Also, depending on the size of each school, C02 monitors will also be made available with between two and 20 distributed to each primary school, and between 20 and 35 to each secondary schools, at a cost to the State of some €4 million.
Meanwhile, Europe’s medicines regulator has recommended approving the use of Moderna’s Covid vaccine to 12-17 year-olds.
Presently, all adults aged 18 and over are now eligible to register for a Covid-19 vaccine.
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