She’s Not Here.
Courtesy of Thurles Author & Poet Tom Ryan ©
I sought my love in diverse places,
By land and sea and cemetery.
As all alone my heart races,
Seeking to solve the mystery.
I wandered over hills and glens,
Where once we strolled so long ago.
Blissful lovers were we then,
In ways that only lovers know.
Where once we strolled in carefree joy,
In quiet and quite mysterious ways,
Now all’s but tearful memory,
She was the light of all my days.
Oh, she was all and all to me,
With no one or nothing to compare,
And oh my ever aching heart,
That she’s not here nor anywhere.
So onward went each feeling, thought,
With prayer and human consolation,
But all in vain all came to naught,
And met with naught but desolation.
Till death seemed sweeter than this place,
Where love was gone and lost to me,
Till by her grave my seeking ceased,
Revealed to me the mystery.
Beautiful always with a smile,
Scented with humanity,
Sweet spirit by my side the while,
Both here and in eternity.
Tom Ryan “Iona”, Rahealty, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
Nice one Tom