Tipperary County Council are inviting you to submit a tender for the tender competition stated hereunder. Tender documentation and other particulars may be submitted here through the e-tenders tender box. (Reference Tcc001151E)

Photo: George Willoughby
Detailed description:
Tipperary County Council and Thurles Municipal District are now working towards the provision of new footways/cycle paths and improvements to existing footways adjacent to the River Suir and its tributary, the Drish River. The overall development now under consideration is sub-divided into four phases as follow: –
Phase 1. Extending along the west bank of the River Suir from the footbridge adjacent to the Town Park at Thomond Road, as far as Thurles Golf Club.
Phase 2. Extending northwards along the east bank of the River Suir as far as its confluence with the Drish River and from there along the south bank of the Drish River as far as the bridge on Mill Road.
Phase 3. Extending along the Drish River from the bridge on Mill Road to the N75 National Secondary Road on the outskirts of Thurles;
Phase 4. Extending from the bridge on Mill Road for a distance of approximately 1km northwards along Mill Road to meet up with the existing footpath.
The Project, to which this Consultant’s Brief (May 2021) (the “Brief”) relates, consists of the following elements of the overall development:-
- The preliminary design, route selection and preparation of the overall Master Plan in respect of Phases 1 to 4 inclusive, and
- The Part 8 planning process, the detailed design, tender, construction and handover stages of Phases 1 and 2 only.
Response deadline (Irish time): – 05/07/2021 by 12:00 noon.