In a week that celebrates the richness and beauty of Irish biodiversity (see HERE), it is important to raise awareness of potential environmental threats and take appropriate action to safeguard their future.
In the video hereunder, watch Galway based ecologist and Tidy Towns adjudicator, Ms Janice Fuller, talk about the invaluable role played by rivers, streams and wetlands in terms of flooding prevention and ecological biodiversity.
Ms Fuller also discusses the serious and damaging effect that even minor pollution events can have on river and wetland habitats. As Ms Fuller warns, the cumulative impact of various pollutants can be devastating on plants, animals and water quality.
Here at we have regularly celebrated the beauty of the River Suir and Riverside walkway. We have also highlighted pollution events occurring along the River Suir, which range from once-off to ongoing instances of environmental concern.
The latest major pollution event can be viewed along the River Suir on the Riverside Walk area. Same originates from a ground water pipe, governed by Tipperary Co. Council, which has had connected, a domestic, foul smelling, waste water system, thus polluting the river water.

As part of efforts to safeguard against threats to our rich biodiversity, instances of pollution such as this need to be reported, so they can be assessed and investigated. The Environmental Protection Agency, who were highly critical of Irish Water’s urban wastewater plan in a 2019 report, host the National Environmental Complaints line (telephone 1850 365 121). Open 24 hours a day, members of the public can report instances of water pollution and other pollution events, including illegal dumping, littering, backyard burning, noise and smells.
For further information on making an environmental complaint visit (Environmental Protection Agency) by clicking HERE.
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