With huge “Thank You” to Catherine Fogarty, Rona Sorrell, Una and David Crowley, Mary Joe Fanning, Eamonn Medley and Eamonn Mason and indeed all who have contributed their voluntary service to this area of Thurles.
Thurles Town’s Magical Riverside Walk.
© Thurles.info 2021.

The Riverside Walk is a magical place
With butterflies, otters and trees,
There’s rushes, wild flowers and ivy,
Bird houses and honey bees.
There’s bugs and nettles and hedges,
Long grasses and ducks galore.
And it’s nice to take a walk there,
Alongside the River Suir.
And as you go along the walk,
There’s something else to see:
The entrance through a little door
Inside a rotting tree.
A tiny fairy lives there.
She checks that you are good
And taking care of nature,
Like everybody should.
And late at night she comes to life
And flies through Thurles’ streets;
Checking under pillows
For unwanted children’s teeth.
So why not visit this fairy
And the otters and ducks and flowers?
Come stroll along the Riverside walk
And while away the hours.
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